BLM logo Bureau of Land Management
Fire Reporting Instructions
January 2001
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For each incident, complete a fire report and submit all documentation to supervisor. This is a responsibility of the Initial/Extended Attack Incident Commander as detailed in the Standards for Fire Operations Handbook, Chapter 8 (1999).

Report each fire under a separate fire number (see the criteria for the assist and false alarm exceptions to this requirement).

Enter each fire report into the Bureau of Land Management Fire Reporting System as per instructions detailed below.

Print a hard copy of each fire report and file it at the District Office with the appropriate narratives, maps, etc. Fire reports and attachments have permanent retention designation per BLM Manual 1220 - Records and Information Management, Appendix B, GRS/BLM Combined Records Schedule 18/32a. They are to be filed by calendar year and retained in the District Office for 10 years after the calendar year cutoff, at which time they are to be transferred to the Federal Records Center for eventual transfer to the National Archives and Records Administration. Please contact your local Records Manager for additional information.

Ensure that each fire report is signed by the District FMO or his/her designee.

Prepare a narrative for each fire and file a copy of the narrative with the fire report at the District Office. State Directors will notify District Managers of the required information.

Attach a reference map for Type 1 or 2 fires that are ten (10) acres and larger. The purpose of this requirement is to provide the State Office with the perimeter of the fire so it can be digitized and used with GIS.

Enter the fire report into the Bureau of Land Management Fire Reporting System no later than five (5) business days after the fire is declared out. The data entered into the system will be randomly checked by State Office personnel and the Data Analyst in the National Office of Fire and Aviation.


Fire Number - Enter only the numbers that are reserved for your specific district (see the wildland fire numbers and fuels management activities numbers lists). Continue through the entire block of assigned numbers before restarting the series. Fire numbers are not to be reused in two consecutive calendar years. For example, if you issued F001 in calendar year 1998, it must not be reissued until calendar year 2000. This is important because when numbers are reassigned in two consecutive years, it impedes the capability to generate accurate fire cost information for individual incidents and projects. Should you use the entire assigned block of numbers within two consecutive years, contact User Support well before running out.

Fuels management numbers are to be assigned once the project has been approved and received funding. This will enable units to track all associated costs for fuels management activities. For projects conducted over multiple years, issue one fuels management number for the entire project, report the annual accomplishments under the same fuels management number for each fiscal year and reference the continuation of a multi-year project in the Remarks section of the fire report.

Fire Type/Protection Type Definitions and Required Fields

Note: The following fire type/protection type templates are in PDF format and can only be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader you must download and install it before attempting to view these templates. If you are running on a Modernization Unix platform, contact your system administrator.

Fire Type 1: Action Fires - For all wildland fires where the appropriate fire management response was taken; excluding natural outs, support actions, and fuels management activities. In addition to the standard fire report data, the supplemental information on the Trespass Investigation sub-form will be required for all human caused wildland fires.

Additional information pertaining to fire type 1/protection type 9 wildfires:

Fire Type 1/Protection Type 9 wildfires utilize the traditional wildfire numbering sequence (ANNN) from the block of numbers assigned to each district and charge to subactivity code 2821. If, at the conclusion of the incident, it is determined that the wildfire did not meet the greater than fifty percent (50%) benefit criteria, code the entire wildfire as Fire Type 1/Protection Type 1 and report appropriately.

Fire Type 2: Natural Outs - For all wildland fires discovered that have been extinguished by natural causes prior to initiation of suppression action; excluding fires for which aerial or ground monitoring is deemed the appropriate fire management response.

Fire Type 3: Support Actions (Assist) - Action taken on a fire which is not threatening BLM land and no formal agreement exists which would require a BLM response other than a mutual aid agreement. In addition to the standard fire report data, the supplemental information on the Assist Information sub-form will be required for all reimbursable assist wildland fires.

Fire Type 4: Fuels Management - For all prescribed fires or other hazard reduction treatments, used to meet approved land management objectives.

Additional information pertaining to Fuels Management Project Number assignments:

Fuels Management Project Numbers utilize a AANN (letter, letter, number, number) numbering sequence. Note: This is entered on the main Fire Report as the Fire Number. A block of fuels management numbers has been assigned to each district. These numbers are used with mechanical hazard reduction projects (Protection Type 1), support actions (Protection Type 7), and prescribed fire projects (Protection Type 8). These numbers can be used with any subactivity code, e.g. 2823, 2810, 5500, etc.

Fire Type 5: False Alarms - For reported fires on which some type of response was initiated (e.g., patrol plane, engine or crew dispatched) but no suppression action took place. Assign only one fire number per protection type per district for all false alarms reported in a calendar year. Fire reports with additional fire number assignments will have an error and will be marked as "Incomplete" in the fire reporting system and any accrued costs will have to be reallocated to the district false alarm fire number. Each district is responsible for maintaining a log of actual false alarms so that the capability exists to perform any internal analysis of their detection program that either the District or State Office might deem necessary. The primary reason for this reporting change is the availability of a finite number of fire numbers. If you have questions, contact User Suppport.

Fire Type 6: Severity Funds - For fire numbers assigned to projects using funds assigned from the State Office severity fund account.

Cause - Enter Human or Natural to indicate the elementary cause of the wildfire.

Reimbursable Status - Enter Yes or No to indicate the reimbursement status for human caused wildfires and assist actions.

Burning Index - Enter the number related to the contribution of fire behavior to the effort of containing a fire calculated on the date of initial attack. This value can be obtained from the Weather Information Management System (WIMS).

Net Resource Value Change per Acre - Report for Fire Types 1 and 2/Protection Types 1, 2, 3, and 9 (BLM lands) only. Please direct specific questions to your district or state office fire planner.

Burning Index Fire Intensity Level
0 - 20 1
21 - 40 2
41 - 60 3
61 - 80 4
81 - 100 5
101 + 6


State - County - Enter the state(s) and county(ies) the incident burned in (see the State and County list).

Ownership - Enter land owner(s) from the following codes:

Ownership Code
Other Federal 6
State 7
Private 8
Tribal 9
Foreign 0

Vegetation Type - Enter type of vegetation from the following codes:

Type Code Definition
Commercial Forest 1 Land producing or capable of producing wood products, such as sawtimber, posts, poles, etc., and not withdrawn from timber use.
Non-Commercial Forest 2 Land not capable of yielding wood products or commercial forest land withdrawn from timber use.
Non-Forest Watershed 3 Land which has never supported forests or has been developed for non-forest use.

Acres: Burned/Treated - Enter to the nearest tenth acre for both wildland and prescribed fires. Calculate the total acres treated based on the number of acres of vegetation (live or dead) altered by burning, mechanical, or chemical methods less significant unaltered acres. The value of the Burned/Treated Acres must be less than or equal to the Total Project Acres.

Acres: Total Project - Enter to the nearest tenth acre for prescribed fires only. This acreage figure represents the total acreage in the project, including areas that were left untreated. Calculate the total project acres based on the perimeter of the project when attempting to obtain resource objectives that are covered in a treatment or prescribed fire plan.


Fire Name - The fire name is limited to ten (10) spaces. Do not use symbols and do not use periods. For assist fires, abbreviate the name of the agency assisted and number consecutively throughout the season (e.g., USFS1, USFS2, USFS3, etc.) Fire names should correspond with the geographic location of the fire and be in good taste.

Resource Area Name - Enter the code for the Resource Area Name (see the Resource Area list).

Location (origin of incident) - Enter the location of the point of origin of the incident in either latitude and longitude or UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator). Select one method of entering the location by clicking the option button for either latitude/longitude or UTM. If you select to enter the location in latitude and longitude, enter degrees, minutes, and seconds. If you select to enter the location in UTM, enter the zone, easting, and northing. The location of the point of the incident origin should be obtained with a GPS unit. An example of a valid UTM value (in Arizona) would be:
   Zone 12    568000 E    3777000 N
An example of a valid latitude/longitude location (in Idaho) would be:
latitude =    43 degrees    40 minutes    19 seconds
longitude =    116 degrees    07 minutes    56 seconds

Owner - Enter the owner at the point of incident origin from the following codes:

Ownership Code
Other Federal 6
State 7
Private 8
Tribal 9
Foreign 0


Date of Discovery/Start (Prescribed Ignition) (MMDDYYYY) - Enter the eight-digit number for the month, day and year (e.g., May 22, 1999 = 05 22 1999).

Time of Discovery/Start (Prescribed Ignition) (HHMM) - Enter the four-digit number using the 24-hour clock (e.g., 1:00 a.m. = 0100, 8:13 p.m. = 2013).

Type of Detection - Enter the detection source from the following codes:

Type of Detection Code
Agency Lookout A
Other Lookout B
Agency Fire Patrolman C
Other BLM Employee D
Cooperator Employee E
Agency Patrol Aircraft F
Cooperator Patrol Aircraft G
Other Aircraft H
Permittee I
Visitor J
Local Resident K
Other L
Smokejumper Patrol Flight M
Non fire related BLM Point to Point Flights N

Acres at Discovery - Enter to nearest tenth acre.

Date of Initial Attack (MMDDYYYY) - Enter the eight-digit number for the month, day and year (e.g., June 1, 1999 = 06 01 1999).

Time of Initial Attack: arrival of the first IA unit at the incident (HHMM) - Enter the four-digit number using the 24-hour clock (e.g., 9:25 a.m. = 0925, 1:00 p.m. = 1300).

Type of Initial Attack - Enter the first, second, third, fourth and fifth units attacking the fire from the following codes. The first unit is required while the second, third, fourth and fifth units are optional.

Type of Resource Code
Explosives (number of crew) A
Plows or Trenchers B
Light Engines (200 gallons or less) C
Medium Engines (201 - 400 gallons) D
Heavy Engines (over 400 gallons) E
Handcrew - Type 2 (number of individuals) F
Smokejumper (number of individuals) G
Helitack Crew (number of individuals) H
Light Airtanker (1,000 gallons or less) I
Medium Airtanker (1,001 - 2,000 gallons) J
Heavy Airtanker (over 2,000 gallons) K
Light Helitanker (300 gallons or less) L
Medium Helitanker (301 - 700 gallons) M
Heavy Helitanker (over 700 gallons) N
Light Dozer (D4 or equivalent) O
Medium Dozer (D5, D6, or equivalent) P
Heavy Dozer (D7 or larger, or equivalent) Q
Other R
Monitoring Fire by Air S
Monitoring Fire by Ground T
Reconnaissance Aircraft U
Handcrew - Type 1 (number of individuals) V
Station Manager/IC with Own Vehicle W

Amount of Initial Attack - Enter the number of persons or pieces of equipment dispatched to initial attack. When the type of initial attack is I, J, K, L, M or N the amount is the number of loads. Code the actual amount up to 99 loads. Enter the total number of persons times the total number of days for ground monitoring (e.g., 5 people x 3 days = 15). If an aircraft is dispatched to an incident but not utilized, enter zero (0). The first unit is required while second, third, fourth and fifth units are optional; however, if the second, third, fourth and fifth units are completed in the Type of Initial Attack section, they must also be included in the Amount of Initial Attack section.

Acres at Initial Attack (the size of fire at the time the first initial attack unit arrives at the incident) - Enter to the nearest tenth acre. Acres at Initial Attack cannot be larger than Acres at Control.

Date Controlled/Complete (MMDDYYYY) - Enter the eight-digit number for the month, day and year (e.g., February 24, 1999 = 02 24 1999).

Time Controlled/Complete (HHMM) - Enter the four-digit number using the 24-hour clock (e.g., 1:00 a.m. = 0100, 4:30 p.m. = 1630).

Acres at Control/Prescribed Acres Treated - For wildland fires, enter total acres within control lines to nearest tenth acre. For prescribed fires, enter the actual burned area to the nearest tenth acre. The total acres at control must equal the total of the burned/treated acres reported in the Statistical Data section.

NOTE: To eliminate the duplication of reported acres, if two or more fires burn together, enter the final controlled acres for the fire number which received the most charges against it as the total acreage minus the acreage of the other fire(s). For each of the other fires, estimate the final acreage prior to burning together (e.g., Fire A burns 200 acres, Fire B burns 500 acres, and Fire C burns 1,000 acres then burns into Fires A and B and the final acreage is 10,000 acres. The report for Fire A would show 200 acres, the report for Fire B would show 500 acres, and the report for Fire C would show 9,300 acres). Do not assign new fire numbers to complexes.

Date Declared Out (MMDDYYYY) - Enter the eight-digit number for the month, day and year (e.g., April 6, 1999 = 04 06 1999).


Topography - Enter the topography in the vicinity of fire origin from the following codes:

Feature Code
Ridgetop 1
Saddle 2
Upper 1/3 of Slope 3
Middle 1/3 of Slope 4
Lower 1/3 of Slope 5
Canyon Bottom 6
Valley Bottom 7
Mesa or Plateau 8
Flat or Rolling 9

Aspect - Enter the aspect in the vicinity of fire origin from the following codes:

Direction of slope Code
Flat 0
North (N) 1
Northeast (NE) 2
East (E) 3
Southeast (SE) 4
South (S) 5
Southwest (SW) 6
West (W) 7
Northwest (NW) 8
Ridgetop 9

Slope - Enter the slope in the vicinity of fire origin from the following codes:

Percent Code
0 - 25 1
26 - 40 2
41 - 55 3
56 - 75 4
76 + 5

Elevation - Enter the elevation in the vicinity of fire origin from the following codes:

Elevation Above Sea Level (Ft) Code
0 - 500 0
501 - 1,500 1
1,501 - 2,500 2
2,501 - 3,500 3
3,501 - 4,500 4
4,501 - 5,500 5
5,501 - 6,500 6
6,501 - 7,500 7
7,501 - 8,500 8
8,501 + 9

Weather Station - Enter the six-digit number for the NFDRS weather station describing the fire climate area in which the incident occurred.

FBPS Fuel Model - Enter the two-digit FBPS Fire Behavior Model that best characterizes the fuels in the burn area from the following codes:

FBPS Fuel Model Code
Short Grass (1 foot) 01
Timber (Grass and Understory) 02
Tall Grass (2.5 feet) 03
Chaparral (6 feet) 04
Brush (2 feet) 05
Dormant Brush, Hardwood Slash 06
Southern Rough 07
Closed Timber Litter 08
Hardwood Litter 09
Timber (Litter and Understory) 10
Light Logging Slash 11
Medium Logging Slash 12
Heavy Logging Slash 13
Debris Piles 14
Custom 15

MSGC (fuel Model, Slope class, Grass type, Climate class) - Enter the four-character NFDRS fuel model designator characterizing site conditions at the vicinity of fire origin. This value can be obtained from the Weather Information Management System (WIMS).

Special Area Type - Enter the special area designator from the following codes:

Special Area Type Code
Wilderness 01
Wilderness Study Area 02
Research Natural Area 03
Late Successional Reserve (LSR) 04
Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) 05
Wild & Scenic River Corridor 06
Native Allotment 07
Military Operations 08
Municipal Watershed 09
Nuclear Reservation 10
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act lands 11
Other - Known (document in the Remarks section) 98
No Special Area type designated 99


Enter pertinent comments about the incident.


Enter the names and titles of the persons accountable for verifying and entering the fire report data.


The Trespass Investigation pertains to wildland fires that were human-caused.

Cause - Enter the cause of the fire (see the Cause list).

If "Other, known" - Enter the cause of the fire, if it was not specifically included in the list of causes (above).

People Classification - Enter the type of individual responsible for starting the fire from the following:

Description of Individual Code
All individuals who own land or businesses within the protection boundaries 1
All individuals, their agents or employees who have special use permits on the BLM lands within the protection boundaries 2
Contractors, their agents or employees for purchase of products or construction of facilities 3
All federal, State, County, Municipal or other public employees 4
All permanent residents living inside or within one mile outside the protection boundary 5
All seasonal residents or workers residing inside or within one mile outside the protection boundary 6
All tourists, motorists, campers, etc. in transit through the protected area 7
All people not included above (enter in Remarks, if known) 8

Status - Enter the status of the investigation into the cause of this fire from the following: Field manager decision pending, No case, Trespass case opened, Trespass case closed by billing/collections, Trespass case closed by solicitor, Trespass case appealed.

Trespass Case Number - Enter the number assigned to this trespass case (if there is a case).

Authorized by Name and Title - Enter the name and title of the person responsible for authorizing that there will not be a case.

Rationale - Enter the rationale used for determining that there will not be a case.

Billed Amount - Enter the dollar amount (to the nearest cent) that the responsible party has been billed.

Billed Date (MMDDYYYY) - Enter the eight-digit number for the month, day and year (e.g., June 15, 2000 = 06 15 2000).

Recovered Amount - Enter the dollar amount (to the nearest cent) that the responsible party has paid.

Recovered Date (MMDDYYYY) - Enter the eight-digit number for the month, day and year (e.g., June 15, 2000 = 06 15 2000).

Received by BLM Amount - Enter the dollar amount (to the nearest cent) that the BLM has received from the responsible party.

Received by BLM Date (MMDDYYYY) - Enter the eight-digit number for the month, day and year (e.g., June 15, 2000 = 06 15 2000).

Remarks - Enter pertinent comments.


The Assist Information pertains to fires (wildland or prescribed) for which the BLM provided reimbursable assistance or support (to another agency, state, etc.) for suppression.

Bill Number - Enter the BLM number assigned to the bill.

Name of Collection Contact - Enter the name of the BLM person responsible for billing and collections.

Amount Billed - Enter the amount of the bill (to the nearest cent).

Date Billed (MMDDYYYY) - Enter the eight-digit number for the month, day and year (e.g., May 22, 1999 = 05 22 1999).

Remarks - Enter pertinent comments.


The Fuel and Emission Data pertains to prescribed fires or hazard reduction treatments.

RIPS Number - Enter the Rangeland Improvement Project System (RIPS) number assigned to this project. If the project does not have a RIPS number assigned, please enter six zeroes (000000). The "RIPS Number", also known as the "Improvement Number", is a part of the Rangeland Improvement Project System (RIPS). It is the permanent record identifier for a land treatment project. The master log is usually maintained by someone in the field office's operations unit. This RIPS number should be assigned and a report entered upon completion of the project. This report should be entered by the resources person co-sponsoring the improvement project. For a 100% fuels management project, it may be necessary for fire program personnel to prepare both reports (the Fire Report and the Fuel and Emission Data sub-form). Coordination between resource area and fire personnel will be required to assure both reports are completed and the data is consistent between the two reports.

Plot/Burn Objectives - Enter the burn objective(s) from the following codes. The first burn objective is required, while the second and third are optional.
Burn/Project Objective Code
Historical Scene Maintenance 01
Other Cultural Site Maintenance 02
Exotic or Undesirable Species Control 10
Habitat Maintenance 11
Research 12
Fire Dependent Ecosystems/Ecosystem Maintenance 13
Other (Natural Systems) 14
Fuel Reduction (Activity Fuels) 20
Fuel Reduction (Natural Fuels) 21
Debris Removal 30
Health (Insect Control) 32
Seed Bed Preparation 40
Vegetative Type Manipulation/Stand Improvement 41
Property Protection 50
Project Maintenance 51

Benefitting Programs - Enter the acres treated to the nearest tenth of an acre for the following benefitting programs: Forestry, Range, Wildlife, Hazard Reduction, Watershed, Ecosystem Health, and/or Other. The sum of the acres allocated by benefitting program must equal the sum of the burned/treated acres reported on the primary fire report form (in the Statistical Data section).

Fuel Model and Fuel Loading - Enter the 2-digit FBPS Fire Behavior Models that best characterize the fuels in the burn area from the following codes. The first entry should represent the majority (at least 50 percent) of the fuels in the burn. The second entry should represent any lesser fuel type that occurs in the burn area. The first fuel model is required and the second fuel model is optional.
FBPS Fuel Model Code
Short Grass (1 foot) 01
Timber (Grass and Understory) 02
Tall Grass (2.5 feet) 03
Chaparral (6 feet) 04
Brush (2 feet) 05
Dormant Brush, Hardwood Slash 06
Southern Rough 07
Closed Timber Litter 08
Hardwood Litter 09
Timber (Litter and Understory) 10
Light Logging Slash 11
Medium Logging Slash 12
Heavy Logging Slash 13
Custom 15

If only one fuel model is selected, the percentage field will default to 100 percent. If a secondary fuel model is assigned, please enter a percentage value for the primary fuel model and the system will generate the percentage value for the secondary model to ensure that the allocation equals 100 percent.

If actual field data for fuel loading and consumption is not available, please select the most appropriate standard fuel loading and consumption range (light, average or heavy). If actual field data for fuel loading and consumption is available, please enter the pre-burn fuel loadings by size class, in tons per acre, averaged for the entire burn area. Weights should be entered to the nearest tenth of a ton for all size classes, as well as litter and duff (e.g., 123 represents 123 tons per acre, 4.2 represents 4.2 tons per acre, etc.). Consumption (Percent) is defined as the measured or estimated percentage of fuel actually consumed by the fire. The Max and Min Fuel Loadings by Size Class Using FBPS Fuel Models chart shows a range of typical fuel loadings for each fuel type (except Custom Model) and should serve as a guideline for estimating the fuel loadings for prescribed fire projects. It also represents the maximum and minimum acceptable values.

Debris Pile Fuel Loading - For a debris pile burn, the fuel loading and consumption by size class tables for primary and secondary FBPS fuel models are not applicable. Complete the debris pile fuel loading table by entering the pre-burn fuel loading value (pre-burn tons) and the percentage of the debris pile consumed by the fire. Computer Aids to Calculate Slash Consumption provides assistance in calculating tonnage for debris piles.