Sediment traps for fire scar study

Special thanks to Chris Skiba and colleagues (Sonja, ...). Pictures by Tamara Misner.


In order to evaluate the effect of changing surface properties due to the fires on the entrainment and transport of surficial materials, we had these traps built and plan to install them on the McDowell Mtn. Park, with five each capturing flow from unburnt and burnt catchments.


Goudie, A., editor, 1990, Geomorphological techniques, second ed., London: Unwin Hyman, p.252-255.
Shakesby, R. A., Walsh, R. D., Coelho, O. A., 1991, New developments in techniques for measuring soil erosion in burned and unburned forested catchments, Portugal. Z. Geomorph. N. F., suppl.-Bd. 83, p. 161-174.


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last modified August 24, 2001