Subject: Georeferencing Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 13:17:55 -0700 From: Jim Heffernan To: Chris Eisinger , John Roach , Tyler Rychener CC: Ramon Arrowsmith Hi Guys- Unfortunately I didn't make a great deal of quantative progress yesterday. However, I think I did learn a few things that hopefully will be of use. 1) I didn't crop the pictures enough. take an extra 10-20% off the edges before you bring the photos into ArcGIS. This will reduce error and the photos still overlap. 2) It is difficult to get RMS under 8 m while still having even coverage. However, around 8 RMS the 1962 photos are at least as well-matched to the DOQQ's as are the topo maps. Perhaps more experienced folks could do better. 3) For me, RMS Error is more a function of point selection than # of points, at least for any reasonable number. Beyond 12 points Here is a rough outline of the procedure I think would work and would balance speed and accuracy 1) Establish control points at all four corners 2) Choose a point in the center of the map 3) Choose 4 additional points near the center of each side. 4) Steps 1-3 should give you a reasonably even spread of points across the photograph. Now check the links file. Do any of the points have particularly high residuals? If so, this may be a bad point. delete the point and use another control point in the same region. With 9 points, you should be able to get a good RMS if the points are well-chosen. Feedback on this procedure is welcome. Jim