J Ramon Arrowsmith ; Arizona State University
Kilometer-Scale Fault Zone Structure and Kinematics Along the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield, California

Participant Individuals:
Graduate student(s) : Chris Crosby; Maurits Thayer; Nathan Toke
Post-doc(s) : Annia Fayon
Technician, programmer(s) : Gilead Wurman; Jeffrey Conner

Partner Organizations:
US Geological Survey: In-kind Support; Facilities; Collaborative Research; Personnel Exchanges

Other collaborators:

Our main collaborator is Michael Rymer of the US Geological Survey. 
He has worked for a long time on the geology of the area and has much
valuable data for the area.  In addition, we are coordinating our
efforts--at the moment preliminarily--with Drs. John Hole (seismic
reflection and refraction) and James Spotila (tectonic geomorphology
and low temperature thermochronology) from Virginia Tech.

Activities and findings:

Research and Education Activities: 
Our major activities have been to build a geospatial data framework and system for our research, to put the research team together, to identify the focused science questions for our work, to reconnoiter the area, and to prepare logistically for major field work starting in mid April 2004.

Our major findings so far are some intriguing ideas about the tectonics of Middle Mountain near and in particular to the southeast of the SAFOD site where Quaternary terrace units may be tilted. In addition, the Southwest Fracture ZOne--activated in the 1966 Parkfield Earthake, but actually about 1-2 km southwest of the main SAF trace has notable tectonic landforms along it implying likely recurrent motion. The northwestward continuation of this structure is probably the Buzzard Canyon Fault--a structure that will be encounterd by SAFOD.

Training and Development:
Our major skills so far have been in the Geographic Information Systems sense with digitization of important maps for not only our own use, but also those of the scientific community working at Parkfield ( ml). Our students team has been improving its skills in this area. In addition, we have been reading scientific papers and discussing them as a group to identify and articulat science questions relevant both to the Parkfield area specifically as well as to strike-slip faulting in general.

Outreach Activities:
Not much here except a web site ( and general commentary around our department and in some classes.

Journal Publications:

Book(s) of other one-time publications(s):

Other Specific Products:

Data or databases
We have digitized the geological mapping data from Michael Rymer of
the USGS for his work immediately around the SAFOD site.
l  We are working with the USGS colleagues to see if we can get this
published as an Open File Report or something similar.

Internet Dissemination:


Contributions within Discipline:

 So far, we are developing knowledge about the geometry of structures
and the deformation associated with them to constrain faulting process
models for the upper several km of strike-slip fault zones.  In
addition, we are working to understand the relative roles of lateral
offset and subsidence/uplift and fluvial erosion and landsliding in
the development of the landscape along strike-slip fault zones.

Contributions to Education and Human Resources:
 We have trained a group of young scientists in both technical areas of
GIS and large-scale project logistics as well as in the scientific
areas of active faulting.

Special Requirements for Annual Project Report:

Unobligated funds: less than 20 percent of current funds
Categories for which nothing is reported:
Products: Journal Publications
Products: Book or other one-time publication
Contributions to Other Disciplines
Contributions to Resources for Science and Technology
Contributions Beyond Science and Engineering
Special Reporting Requirements
Animal, Human Subjects, Biohazards