Contouring in Matlab

Davis' data

For this investigation of contouring, we use the DMAP.DAT dataset from Middleton's book.
Here is the script that I wrote that visualizes these data:

Here are pictures of the plots that the script makes:

Exercise 2--San Andreas Fault slip rate. We studied some surveyed topographic data from a field site along the San Andreas Fault.

Here is a link that talks about these data from an old class web site:

Here is the script that I wrote that visualizes these data:
Here are the data:

Here are pictures of the plots that the script makes:

Exercise 3--Contouring on the stereonet using the Kalsbeek net.

Here is the script that Don Ragan and I wrote that visualizes these data:
Here are the data:

Here are pictures of the plots that the script makes:

Pages maintained by
Prof. Ramón Arrowsmith
Last modified December 7, 2001