Supplemental Table 4. Stratigraphic unit descriptions for Trench T6'.

Noriega, et al. Stream Channel Offset and Late Holocene Slip Rate of the San Andreas Fault at the Van Matre Ranch Site, Carrizo Plain, California

610 Older fan and colluvial gravel fan unit has compact bladed sedimentary soil structure in northern end of trench on SW wall and is difficult to visually distinguish from unit 620. More indurated than unit 620. On NW wall it dips steeply beneath a well-defined contact with unit 620.
620 Older fan unit appears to be dipping to the east. It is more indurated than the channel sediments; range of clast sizes is coarser than the channel sediments. Distinct beds of gravel and beds of sand exposed on northern wall, angular, greater that ¼ of the clasts are covered with rinds of caliche. Clast types: large cobbles of marble and basalt, pebbles of granite and angular greywacke clasts
630 Pale yellow older colluvium with gravel. Similar to unit 830.Well defined contact between unit 630 and overlying unit 660. Contact is CaCO3 rich, with unit 630 defined by lighter color.
640 Very coarse to coarse grained, poorly sorted channel gravel. No caliche rinds. Similar to unit 840.
650 Colluvial or silty soil unit containing coarse crystalline angular granite boulder on SW wall. Darker than underlying units, with lower contact well defined by color contrast.
660 Green-tan-light brown silty colluvial or soil unit with gravel. Darker than underlying units. Lower contact well-defined by color contrast. Same cobble of QTP in channel deposit, contains green-gray mudstone.
670 Main channel. Interbedded gravel with fine-grained, very thinly to thinly bedded moderately to well sorted subrounded (to angular) sand with coarse, subangular sand lenses. Gradational contact with 680; disseminated layers above more continuous layers. SE contacts are diffuse.
680 Fine grained, poorly indurated and bioturbated silty sand and sandy silt. Similar to unit 880.

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