Supplemental Table 6. Stratigraphic unit descriptions for Trench T7.

Noriega, et al. Stream Channel Offset and Late Holocene Slip Rate of the San Andreas Fault at the Van Matre Ranch Site, Carrizo Plain, California

700 old fan--QTP
2.5Y 6-7/4 Light yellowish brown. Paso Robles Fm.
Alternating, vertical layers of coarse, angular gravel, sand with poorly sorted angular median and coarse sand lenses; gravel lenses and fine silt lenses. Gravel includes very small pebbles to large cobbles, average-medium angular to subangular polymictic pebble gravel. Gypsum roses developed on some sands. Some CaCO3 cement, but overall very friable. Gypsum “roses” are developed interstitially and below 710 unit, within 700.
710 2.5Y 7/4 Pale yellow
Massive, densely bioturbated, largely angular gravel near base. Partial CaCO3 coating on grains, contains more CaCO3 than surrounding layers or units.
720 2.5Y 6/7 Light yellowish brown
Clayey sandy silt, random clasts throughout. Some clasts are up to medium cobble size. Partially CaCO3-coated. Contact grades into 710
740 2.5 Y 6/4 Light yellowish brown
Massive clayey sandy silt with random angular fine pebble clasts. Disseminated sand and fine gravel lenses. 14C samples collected from this unit
750 2.5Y 6/4 Light yellow
Massive, clayey sandy fine silt. Contains random fine pebble clasts throughout, contact contrasts with lower 710 unit. Grades into 740 and 760.
760 10Y 6/3 Pale brown
Lenses of coarse, angular to subangular sand and very fine angular pebble gravel within more massive clayey, sandy silt. Occasional disseminated sand lenses.
770 2.5Y 5/4 Light olive brown
Clayey silty to very fine sand. Occasional random angular fine cobble size clasts.

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