Taking the pulse of an expanding urban region:  Greater Phoenix now and what it could be in 2100




A preproposal to the NSF-Information Technology Research Program (Information Management and Applications):  Group proposal, <$1M/yr for 5 years.


Ramon Arrowsmith, Department of Geological Sciences and Frederick Steiner, School Of Planning & Landscape Architecture




Arizona State University



            The greater Phoenix Arizona region comprises a desert landscape transforming to an urban center.  The population of the region has doubled in the last 20 years and is expected to double again in the next 20.  What are the flows of materials, people, other biota, and how do the changes depend on history and the current configuration?  What does it mean to grow so rapidly?  (To use a possibly overly strong medical metaphor) we propose to take the pulse of the region and present a prognosis for growth.  We may explore interventions to keep the region healthy.  We want to know what has happened (all of the different parameters describing the region such as biophysical features, the built environment, and demographics and their variation with time), what is happening, and what can happen.  To describe the history, we need to put together the datasets.  Many are available off the shelf from the

various stakeholders (municipalities, county, state, federal, private, academic).  To figure out what is happening, we need to establish a means of maintaining the databases that are built and their connectivity and gather new data, so we have the pulse of the region.  To anticipate the future, we have to train our models on the history, situate them in the present, and send them forward and test the results and visualize the various scenarios.

            The opportunity that the greater Phoenix region presents is one of many datasets with varying degrees of interoperability that need to merged using the tools of information technology to develop both theoretical understanding of how cities develop as ecosystems in relation to their surroundings, as well as the application to managing growth.  On this year's ballots are several growth management initiatives, but none has been evaluated scientifically.  We can take the complex array of information and use visualization tools to present the spatial relationships among the disparate datasets, most of which are spatially based.  More importantly, we can look at the time dimension to produce a history of change and explore the future as parameters vary. 

            In our discipline-oriented work, we reduce complexity to understand.  We segregate phenomena to look at individual elements.  However, to think about the past, present, and future of urban systems such as Phoenix, in which processes are complexly intertwined, we need the power of computer visualization to understand and represent the system.  Tools developed for visualizing networks applied to the internet are really interesting (http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/who/ches/map/index.html).  Such research is at the forefront in IT, and can be challenged by the diverse datasets associated with the greater Phoenix region.

            Not only should we bring diverse datasets together and establish the tools for their inquiry and visualization, but also we can tap into data streams that give us the short term representation of what is happening.  For example, traffic data are gathered in real time by the Arizona Freeway Management system (http://www.azfms.com/), and even more importantly for the desert large water management groups (such as the Salt River Project; http://www.srpnet.comtrack their water flows carefully.  Tapping into these and many other data streams will let us compare short term high resolution datasets and their variations with those collected over longer time periods and also anticipate future behavior and data collection. 


Changing how atlases are constructed

            From Merriam-Webster Dictionary:  “Atlas: 3 a : a bound collection of maps often including illustrations, informative tables, or textual matter b : a bound collection of tables,

charts, or plates.”  One of the products of our work will be the construction of an atlas of the greater Phoenix metropolitan area.  This digital atlas will contain constantly updated representations of biophysical features (such as climate, air, geology, physiography, hydrology, soils, flora, and fauna); built environment (such as prehistoric settlement, development history, current land use, housing, transportation, planned land use, landscapes, business types, tax capacity/real estate value); and demographics (such as population growth, population density, employment growth, median household income) ethnicity, age distribution, and migration and mobility).  These data will be compiled by ASU experts with the aid of staff supported by this grant.  They will include historic data such that changes in the parameters can be compared in a common framework.  Major historic time periods are Quaternary (last 1.6 million years), Holocene (last 10 thousand years), prehistoric, Hispanic exploration and settlement, pre-1900 Anglo exploration and settlement, pre-WWII settlement, 1950s and 1960s modest growth, 1970s-2000 explosive growth.  Furthermore, we will include forecasts of changes in these parameters over these future time periods:  2005, 2010, 2050, 2100. Interaction with the atlas will use virtual reality tools (such as 3D visualization + texture mapping and color along with animation to provide the 4 dimensional perspective).

            Access to the atlas will include raw data availability, as well as web-based tabular, graphical, and virtual reality representations.  We imagine a website that includes interactive maps, but also N-Dimensional representations (in which 3 dimensions come from the spatial aspects of the view, a fourth dimension from time, and the variation of other parameters denoted by color or texture map variations).  These data would be freely accessible.  At ASU, we expect to establish a “DECISIONARIUM”-like  “immersive Environment For Collaborative Decision Making” (http://www.lgc.com/solutions/Decisionarium/Decisionarium.asp) theatre/classroom/meeting room in which groups with diverse expertise come together to interact with data and models and make decisions.


IT/urban studies/urban ecology challenges

1)          Land use modeling.  What is the future of Phoenix?  Given its history, can we develop a model that has a calibrated probability for landuse transitions based upon history, what is near and what is far, and connectivity to test scenarios for development?  Can we go beyond the empiricism to apply some mass balance or other potentially deterministic constraints to improve the basis of the forecasts?

2)          What are the relationships between land use and climate?  Can observations and models of climate (including air quality) be used to evaluate land use change or its likelihood?  Can we go the other way and use observations and models of land use (an other parameters) to anticipate climate (or air quality changes)?

3)          What are the relationships between geology/topography/physiography and open space?  Are the mountains which present natural limitations (and threats via the washes that drain them) to development the optimum open space geometries?  What are the optimal geometries of open space and the feature content for land use relative to development pressures?

4)          What are the natural and artificial patterns of vegetation and water flow?  What happens to a water droplet as it enters the Phoenix system either aritifially (having started as rainfall in the upper Colorado River Basin), or naturally as rainfall within the greater Phoenix area?

5)          In the next five years (i.e., the lifetime of the proposed project), urban growth and thus major change will occur in to zones of the greater Phoenix region:  the outer fringe where desert is converted to urban land use, and the interior along the major drainages.  In particular, major development is expected along the Salt River.  The Tempe Town Lake is an active example of this development.  The Rio Salado Project (references) will probably rejuvenate the Salt River corridor through south Phoenix, and along it a new Light rail system will carry people and promote development.  This growth prognosis provides us with an important target for documentation and analysis.  We can provide an unprecedented dataset that captures the rapid changes in all of the processes of the natural and urban system.

6)          Representation is a major challenge.  As we argued in the introduction, the reduction of complexity to promote understanding is common, but may be a limiting activity in the analysis of the urban system.  Furthermore, in the process of bringing data together, we find that some so-called data include much interpretation (geologic maps, census tracts, etc.) in contrast to uninterpreted data such as remotely sensed imagery, raw data streams, etc.  How we can represent the different aspects of the greater Phoenix region in a coherent way?  What about the scales of resolution in time and space?  What is the uncertainty in the parameters and how can it be presented as part of the inquiry?

7)          What is common:  time and space.  How do we develop models of the processes?  Establish governing rules for change and then check by taking snapshots.  We can also substitute space for time and look at different places (the edge versus the interior of the urban environment) as an indicator of possible change at a single place in time.

8)          What is meaningful?  Is it useful to compare soil nitrogen versus voting blocks? 

9)          Are layers of data spatially referenced and temporally registered the best way to think about the problem?  What is the best way to represent connectivity and pathways and processes?

10)      A couple of basic themes in urban ecology come out in the American Scientist article by Collins, et al ( Collins, Kinzig, Grimm, Fagan, Hope, Wu, and Borer, 2000, A new urban ecology:  American Scientist, v. 88, p. 416-425.):

a)      Quantification of the ecological footprint of the city.  How much natural productivity (measured in area) is required to support the city? 

b)      What is the total energy expenditure per square meter for various portions of the greater Phoenix area?

c)      What is the variability in process types and rates with position (relative to the city center(s)) or landuse type, or geologic or terrain unit?

d)      Can we quantify or characterize the effects of forces of change and their timescales in the urban ecosystems (disturbance events, ecological succession, disturbance regions, land conversion, evolutionary change, climate change, erosion and deposition)?

e)      What is the probability of patch transition in space and time?



Multidisciplinary strengths of Arizona State University



GIS certificate

GIS lab/VIS lab/ARI-LTER lab

Remote sensing

Herberger Center

Morrison Institute

Greater Phoenix 2100


Setting in large municipality


Management plan and budget

The project will be lead by the Arrowsmith-Steiner team with significant input and interaction with colleagues from across ASU and other Greater Phoenix 2100 stakeholders.  We will follow the model of strong collaborative ties among the diverse disciplinary interests that has developed in LTER and IGERT.  While most of the support requested is for IT staff and data compilation, we request support for a professional Education and Outreach (E&O) staff member who will work to present the interactive opportunity of the Greater Phoenix project to educators and students, decision makers and voters, and natural and social scientists.  We hope that people from all levels of interest will find the interaction with the data and models fascinating.  Education and outreach will include the development and testing of explanatory and training materials and lesson plans.

            Along with the E&O person, 3 other permanent staff will be hired, one each with significant IT experience in these areas:  data and databases, modeling, and visualization.  The permanent staff will be supported by 6-8 technicians whose responsibilities include data compilation, coding, webmastering, and sysadmin.  We believe that the project will find focus if its development includes research in aspects of its production, idealization, and application.  Therefore, we expect to offer six graduate research assistantships per year that will be awarded on a competitive basis to colleagues who submit short proposals to the management team.  Evaluation will include intellectual merit, appropriateness for overall goals of Greater Phoenix 2100, and sensitivity to the continuity of thesis and dissertation projects.

            We do not expect to have to buy very much data. Most of the expense will be in the transformation of the data to common reference frames and representation schemes.  Physically, this project and its staff would be housed adjacent to either the GIS lab or the ARI-LTER GIS lab and would include a series of servers and workstations along with peripheral devices and the Data and modeling theater.


Schematic budget (in $k)



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5
















3 IT staff ($50k/yr)







E&O staff







Technicians (6)







Professor/PI summer salaries (4)







Graduate students (6)






Fringe (17% for staff and 9% for students)






















Servers (3)







Workstations (lab and offices)







Peripherals (printers/plotter/digitizer/scanner)







Disks and tape drives














Data and modeling theater






Total direct














Total per year















Perhaps Fritz’ salary and some of the PI salaries and the hardware can be matched? But we want to make a point that the University’s commitment to LTER and IGERT have been substantial and are directly appropriate for this project.



Other text that might be useful and half-baked ideas that might be mixed in above

Development of indices:  What should be tracked?  What is an indicator of change?


I think that the ideas of Phoenix2100 provide a very interesting hook for ITR in that we have lots of data about the city that are gathered and have been gathered.  We can ask many questions of each dataset, but as we all know and need to argue persuasively, the big questions about how people interact with their environment in a situation such as Phoenix require inquiry of diverse datasets simultaneously.  ITR can support the development of the database infrastructure (the data and organizing it), as well as the tools for the inquiry in which we are interested, and the visualization of the results.  IF we also include some reference to the SimCity or other modeling initiatives, we have it all.



Interesting web sites:

Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center Velocity Maps (SOPAC)  http://lox.ucsd.edu/GPSProcessing/Vortex/vortex_help.html