Active Tectonics, Quantitative Structural Geology, and Geomorphology
Balloon Photography
2012 ESE Day
Arizona State University, ISTB-4 Bldg., Tempe, AZ    
Click here to open Google Earth for location
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Digital camera:   Pentax Optio WG2 (We used interval shooting mode for every 10 seconds.)
The total weight of the Pentax Optio WG-2 camera (with a battery and a SD card) and the picavet was 353 grams.
Balloon:     2 meter diameter balloon

Flight description:
It was a sunny/partly cloudy day with a little bit strong wind.   So some photos are blurry because the wind swung the camera.
The highest altitude of this flight is approximately 50 - 60 meters, which is about as high as ISTB-4 building.
Click a photo to see a larger view.

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Last updated:   November 27, 2012
by Tsurue Sato